Couple of months ago, I got an email from a puppet theater located in Berlin. Kathrin, who had been making all her puppets for her theater projects until then, decided to find a doll maker for her new piece, so that she could concentrate more on the story telling and the acting. She was searching in internet as she bumped at my dolls, and she fell in love with them. As she saw that I also live in Berlin, she didn’t wait any minute more and contacted me.
We met shortly after her call. She showed me her stage and script, and I showed her my dolls. In her story
Gretel was the older sister and Hansel was the younger brother. Except that, she gifted me with her complete trust and let me my freedom to create the siblings. It fit perfect to my new trials on
doll movements but still it was new for me to make dolls which can be moved by an artist. I had to make many additions to my dolls and learned new techniques of puppetry.
It was such a joy to make these dolls and so impressing to see them in Kathrin’s talented hands for the first time. They were so alive! In Kathrin’s words: “Your dolls are breathing! And to be
alive, you only need to breath. There is no need to talk, walk, nothing. Just breath!” It was so touching to hear her words and see Hansel and Gretel on the stage. Honestly, I had tears in my
eyes. 😊
Different to the original fairy tale, Kathrin’s Hansel and Gretel (Knusper, Knusper) will be a beautiful story about Christmas. Such a touching story with lots of fun, for children as well as
adults. She will be rehearsing the next months and the premiere will be on 25th of November at "Mutter
Fourage" in Berlin.
I will be there and be very excited to meet any of you, who could come and see them on the stage!
You can also have a look at the trailer on youtube, to see them acting. :)

Write a comment
Maria (Tuesday, 20 September 2022 13:28)
Wow, die sind dir richtig gut gelungen. Was für eine tolle Zusammenarbeit. Mutter Fourage ist bei mir um die Ecke - ich werde versuchen, zur Premiere zu kommen. Dann sehen wir uns endlich mal wieder!
Liebe Grüße, Maria von Mariengold
Loulabee (Tuesday, 20 September 2022 19:25)
Liebe Maria,
vielen Dank für deine liebevolle Worte. Es wäre sehr schön dich bei der Premiere zu sehen. Ich würde mich sehr auf ein Wiedersehen freuen!
Liebe Grüße,