
I have been very busy with organizing an exhibition in the last months.

It has been on my bucket list for a long time. My first solo exhibition was organized when I was 15 years old. Now it is kind of perfect timing for a new exhibition shortly before I turn 50 years old, don’t you also think?


But you are here to read more about my doll making journey, aren’t you? Thus I leave the art subject aside and introduce you this lovely young lady.


Marlowe is one of my petite girls. She is app. 14 inches (34 cm) tall, has a slender body. I used a very tiny armature, hidden beneath several layers of wool, to enable her to move her head naturally.


Her head and complete body are needle felted, her arms and legs are attached with hand stitches to the torso. Her wild beautiful hair is made with Teeswater locks, and can be hand styled easily. She looks through her dreamy blue eyes, which I embroidered with cotton yarn.


She comes with lovely summer dress, made with a liberty cotton combined with linen. She wears a hand knitted mohair dress. Her adorable pair of red leather shoes fit to the details of her dress. When she have them on, she can stand without support. With a little patience you can take beautiful pictures of Marlowe, standing or sitting.


If you think this little spirit could be the right one to join your family, and have any questions, please contact me at


Thank you for following my dolls, giving them the love they need, coming here and read their stories, and supporting me to live from that what I love to do.


I am honestly grateful for your appreciation and love.

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